Expert know-how for organizations from a Global South perspective.
Results your organizaciones want
Results your organizaciones want
Results your organizaciones want
Results your organizaciones want
I help organizations to stay ahead and create long-term responsible actions on IFA and Debt Sustainability
+12 years of International experience from a Global South perspective.
Rigorous research / technical investigations that provide a differentiated analysis of current trends, evaluate existing governance arrangements and policies and examine policy options for advanced and developing economies to adopt.
Specialize advise to multilateral organizations, governments, development agencies, foundations and non-governmental organizations in how their quest to reform the IFA can be the most impactful.
On demand consulting services focus on IFA and Debt Management in developing countries
Anahí was a great professional working on restructiring DEBT with IMF
Anahí was a great professional working on restructiring DEBT with IMF
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
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